Well, as you can see from the photo’s above, the little rock melons that I tried to grow in the grow house this year just ran out of sunshine. The kiwi fruit is just a normal size and it’s a side plate not a dinner plate. I’d like to be able to say that this one tasted delicious but as much as there was plenty of juice the sweetness wasn’t there. I will be trying again next summer and the plants will go in a lot earlier.
We were going to have the second one this morning, but after a very late night (4am) and a considerable amount of champagne, fruit didn’t get to the breakfast table. Maybe the second one will sweeten in the warmth of the kitchen?
At least we got to the breakfast table, and stayed there, this week. My friend who stayed over didn’t get to the table and when her partner came to collect her, out she went to the car in her pyjama’s! She did not look well and I certainly commiserated with her as I had looked the same a few weeks ago. All these 50th birthday celebrations seem to be speeding up my ageing process somehow.
And there’s another one next weekend……….
They may be just babies but you had melons growing in Tasmania, in one of the coldest parts and during the most modest of summers that we have had for many a long year. So be proud of your babies and onward and upward for next summer!
Oh shucks Deb, I'm blushing! Thanks and I will.