Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Here we go again



It’s that time of the year that the powers that be, Forestry Tasmania, Gunns and private companies burn the coupes that they have already decimated by clear felling. A beautiful day turns into a cold and smoky evening. And not one carpenter, sculptor or craftsperson has been invited to check the wood piles for specialty timbers. It will all be destroyed.

Shame on you.


I hate them!

Tomorrow I will wake to a smoky, dull atmosphere with possible char marks from embers. Some mothers will have to keep their asthmatic children home from school.

Shame on you.



  1. Not to mention the poor people who have breating difficulties. I hope Gunns goes down in a worthless heap. Its almost there! Imagine how happy we people of the Tamar Valley were when Chandler pulled out of the deal with Gunns. And "dear" Lara is showing how much she is in denial by saying that it still will be built. Talk about deluded. Oh! Jan, seems like you have got me on a subject that will get me splurting it all out. When will they realise that the forest industry is dead and gone here. Give the forests back to the small saw millers.
    I'd better stop now.

  2. I know that I did a little dance after the announcement of Chandlers rejection of the deal. There are still some sensible big businesses with a view to listening to the community. I think that Gunn's dodgy financial situation might also have had a little bit to do with it too.
    It must be horrible for you in the Tamar valley having to deal with this for far too long.
    Hang in there, I think most of Tasmania is behind you.

